A terrible anti-utopian pamphlet by Daniel Defoe, which shocked the contemporaries of the writer - and shocking even modern readers with his cold, almost ironic objectivity. The victims of the "black death" that fell upon England could be counted in the hundreds of thousands. However, the story of one person who survived the "Plague Year" affects us much more than dry numbers......
After the success of Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe wrote another story about adventures at sea. The result was this lesser-known work, which is a first-person account of pirate life. In response to a letter accusing him of the worst possible act, Captain Avery writes the answer, trying to justify himself. He considers it appropriate to provide a full account of the life of the captain of a pirate ship. And his letters show that he is just a romantic con man....
Robinson Crusoe - The hero of the novels of Daniel Defoe, the first two of which were published in 1719. The first book about Robinson gave rise to the classic English novel and spawned the fashion for pseudo-documentary prose; it is often called the first "authentic" novel in English. This literary character has a real prototype - Alexander Selkirk, the boatswain of the ship "Cinque Ports" ("Senk Por"), distinguished by an extremely quarrelsome and quarrelsome character. Selkirk was landed in 1704, at his request, on an uninhabited island, supplied with weapons, food, seeds and tools....